Digital transformation is no longer a choice, it’s a fundamental business strategy that must be interwoven with broader operational initiatives.

The world is progressively moving towards digital dependency. From businesses to people “digital consumers” are increasing rapidly. Today’s
businesses will be measured by their ability to meet and exceed a new set of demanding digital performance benchmarks.

Africa has the benefit of being largely unconstrained by the challenges posed by overhauling legacy systems. This creates opportunities for businesses to leverage digital technologies to revolutionise and disrupt the business landscape. Intelligent adoption and application of digital technologies will enable African organisations to improve bottom-line performance and contribute to growth across the continent.

To compete effectively in today’s ever-changing landscape, business must find ways to embrace the opportunities provided by cloud computing. By infusing their unique organisational resources with the power of intelligent IT, today’s organisations can set the stage for future success.

Google, in partnership with Digicloud Africa, is fundamentally changing the business landscape in Africa with a host of innovative cloud-based tools. Digicloud and Google aim to drive meaningful digital transformation within Africa and have successfully helped numerous organisations across sectors drive significant gains through the adoption

The Central Bank of West African States turned toDigicloud and Google to assist them in moving to an online, collaborative work environment. The
unprecedented nature of the COVID-19 pandemic set in motion one of the most abrupt business disruptions in decades. Organisations were forced to rapidly transition their staff to a remote workplace in order to maintain brand continuity. This was the case for the Central Bank of West African States. With lockdowns imminent, the bank moved 1,300 employees across eight countries from office-based working to secure, online collaboration in one week – without any service disruption – with Google Cloud.

ACBM, a bespoke digital and service-based investment banking company, developed itself into one of the world’s first regulated, digitally-native investment banks using Google Cloud solutions. Cloud-native businesses need robust solutions to develop software faster and deliver better customer experiences. Google enabled ACBM to create reliable, scalable applications for its cloud- first strategy.

It’s clear that digital transformation is a fundamental business imperative. Google Cloud is the answer for organisations ready to address the growing digital and work transformation challenges in Africa. As the willingness and capacity to invest in more digital products spreads across the continent, Google has established a
foothold in these markets, with the help of Digicloud Africa. Through Digicloud, Google is able to support and serve all regions in Africa.